Series and parallel connections are the basic circuit combination used in the electrical or electronic circuits. suppose you want 200k resistor for your circuit but you have 2 100k resistors, then you can connect them in series connection to get 200k resistance. Or you want a resistance of 50k then you can use 2 100k resistors in parallel to get 50k resistance. series and parallel connections are only applied in components having to terminals it could be Resistors, Capacitors, or any complex circuits having two terminals.
Series connection

Parallel Connection

If two or more components are connected in this manner then, they are said to be in parallel. In parallel connection voltage across both components are the same. which means if the battery is of 1V then, the potential difference across both components is also 1V. In the case of parallel connection current flowing through both components is different. because electrons are divided into the channel. from the definition of electric current, we know that electric current is defined as charges/time through any conductor. that is why the current is different in parallel connection.